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Latest Comic


  • New RMDL pages


  • New Review: 4 Inch-Nel Roll Caskett Action Figure


  • RMDL Update


2019/04/01 - Totally legit update of pages coming

Or just bad timing. Possibly? Maybe?

Either way, a few NEW PAGES up starting with where we left off (for too long)!

2019/01/13 - Rolling around, got reviews to go

Happy belated new year once again, everyone! It took me longer than I had hoped, but here is the double review of the newly-released 4 Inch-Nel Roll Caskett action figures by Sentinel!

2018/09/15 - Change of Pace

And now with the politics.

With page updates taking place slower and most of the action taking up pages before reaching the next key point, I have gotten quite a few comments about the comic being hard to follow due to how slow things flow in terms of storyline, resulting in a lot of going back to the start of the chapter just to catch up.

Because of this, I have decided to take a shot at releasing pages in batches instead of drip-feeding them online. The gist of it is how much gets released per update will depend mostly on the cutoff being either the next scene or pivotal point in the story. As much as I want to continue working on RMDL, I have to admit it gets hard to feel motivated if I'm getting no feedback which helps me improve what I want to do.

As always, I do love to get discussion going, and I hope releasing pages as a batch can help generate discussion whether it be on the Discus pages or somewhere else. As always thank you all for reading this passion project, and I hope this new format works for all of us. Enjoy this update!

2018/09/01 - Art submission

Starting off September with a new page! And last but not least to finally name drop a much-suspected character.

2018/08/18 - Exit temporary NPC...?

Last page had a close follow-up to this one so I'm shifting the schedule ahead to get this one out earlier.